Natural Health Expo is being held from 18th October to the 19th October 2014

at the Hamilton Gardens Pavillion in Hamilton, New Zealand.
All members are welcome and join to this annual events.
The broad range of healing and therapeutics will be shown for 2 days,
such as , Herbal medicine, Energy Balancing, Hypnotherapy, Tarot Cards, Bodytalk,
healthy lifestyle values and services like Body, Mind, Spirit, Emotions,
Massage, Flower Essences,Training Opportunities, Organic Cleaning Products,
Colour Therapy Meditation, Spiritual Guidance,
Kinesiology, Iridology, Live Blood Analysis, Rebirthing Allergy Elimination,
Life Coaching, Aromatherapy, Books, Aura Photography, Massage Tables,
Skin Care Products, Aromatherapy Crystals & jewelry, Energy Healing Technology, Yoga,
Environment, Community, Relationships, Soul Drawings, Chiropractor, Lunches and snacks.