Natural Medicine from Green Science
Green Medicine is Integrative System of healing which uses the value of natural materials focused on phyto-resource to enhance body’s own ability to heal itself in terms of holistic health, the harmony of physical, psychological and social health.

The practical boundary is wider with Eco-natural resources not only phyto-resource, even it has a similarity to the traditional herbal medicine. The view of application focuses on the value of green in terms of economics & philosophy, which is called as Greenomism.
In the history of medicine, Green Medicine is the common channel to communicate among Orient, Western & complementary medicine as the essential of Integrative Medicine.
In the 21st Century, the value of medicinal plants and natural resources as the main source of health is rapidly increasing in modern medical and health industry. Because of the huge demands, the scientific research with this agenda has many magnificent achievements.
Green Medicine not only focuses on the traditional herbal medicine and historical application, it is also an application system based strongly on pharmaceutical science, which is called as Green Science. Green Science has shown that many plants have healing properties in the 21st century.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that more than 75% of the world’s population use natural remedies based on medicinal plants as part of their primary health care. Most doctors tend to focus on a particular disease or symptom, but the professional practitioners in Green Medicine are different from doctors in the way that they look at disease. They understand that disease is a complex issue that involves multiple areas of the body. They try to look at the overall picture and then decide upon the proper medicinal plants and applications required.
When you examine Green Medicine, three things may occur. First, the remedy activates your normal bodily processes. Sometimes our bodies become overwhelmed and our natural ability to heal ourselves deteriorates – this allows disease to occur. Once your body’s natural processes are activated (and stimulated) you go through a cleansing stage. This cleansing helps to rid your body of excess toxins that have been, at the very least, partly responsible for the condition you are suffering from at the moment.
Lastly, with your body process fully activated and free from excess toxins your body begins to build new healthy tissues. Green Medicine mainly uses medical herbs which are simple, yet special, foods. They are special because they are chosen for their medicinal properties which stimulate the body to replace damaged cells with healthy ones.

Green Medicine is a perfectly safe system when used in the dosages prescribed. Most medical herbs are safe to use during pregnancy or while breast feeding. They are non-toxic and rarely do they have any negative side effects. That’s why we need to consider qualified practitioners and medical herbalists who are always careful to prescribe the proper medicinal plants during pregnancy.
We believe that often a pharmaceutical drug is used to block a symptom – not to heal it. Often this blocking action causes another more serious symptom – perhaps not immediately, but over time. Green medicine does not take this approach. Instead it tries to deal with the disease in its entirety using the body’s natural processes. At GMANZ we sincerely acknowledge God for his gift of medicinal plants, and would like to share the value of Green Medicine in the wider community beyond New Zealand.
The Philosophy in Green Medicine, we believe our vision may be achieved by the mission statement, which is called ‘Green Philosophy’. The philosophy includes three essential statements, such as ‘Thanks for free’, ‘Share the value’ and ‘Living together’. You may refer to Vision & Mission of this site for more details
PHYTO-DESIGN in Green Medicine, We are enthusiastically focusing on professional human resource development, and we believe it is the most valuable ways to achieve our mission and vision in this century. GMANZ are building international network for education service, which is the main gateway to produce professional human resources in Green Medicine.
Those are International Herbalist and PhytoTherapist in overseas. International Herbalist is the most professional business specialist and designer for phyto-products and services in Green Medicine industry. It’s called as Phyto-Designer who can design products and services based on phyto-resources in the world.